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How do I persist a filtered Grid when using invokeXmlHttpRequest?

I am using invokeXmlHttpRequest to send a refresh signal to the grid. I like doing this because the grid is part of a number of interrelated objects (grid/toolbar/listbar) and rather than reload the whole page I just want to refresh the grid data.

I have no problem generating the refresh command when the user presses a button on a toolbar (



However, if the user has applied a filter to the grid, the columnfilter retains its selected filter item, but the grid loses its filtered data set, and reloads the entire set.

What do I need to do to remind the grid that it has been filtered? Do I process the filters somehow during the XmlHTTPRequest event on the server?

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  • 2254


    Can you intercept the Ajax call made by  oGrid.invokeXmlHttpRequest(oGrid.eReqType.Refresh,null,"") ?

    Like this: 


    protected void uwg_XmlHTTPRequest(object sender, XmlHTTPRequestEventArgs e)


                 if (e.Type == XmlHTTPRequestType.Refresh)


                         ... filter the dataset



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