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How to bind Header text with Itemsource

Hello All,

I am trying to achieve following:

 <igGrid:TextColumn Key="B"  
HeaderText="{Binding Z}" 
CellStyle="{StaticResource SecondColumn}"
TextBlockStyle="{StaticResource CellBlock}"
HeaderStyle="{StaticResource HeaderStyleCol1}"  />

Is it possible to bind a field from ItemoSource to Header text of column..? 
Right now I have binded an element to header text but it is not working (showing key as header). :(

How can I achieve this at design time..? 

Thanks in advance. 

  • 8421


    Could you provide a little more detail about why you want to bind to a field in the ItemSource? In general, each item in the ItemSource would have its own value for Z and it would be difficult to determine the correct one to apply.

    A better approach would be to create a property in your ViewModel and bind to that property.