How can I get rid of the local time zone prompt that comes when we first run the silverlight application? I have tried the following option, however not sure what should be the value set for LocalTimeZoneId? dataManager.PromptForLocalTimeZone =
How can I get rid of the local time zone prompt that comes when we first run the silverlight application?
I have tried the following option, however not sure what should be the value set for LocalTimeZoneId?
dataManager.PromptForLocalTimeZone =
PromptForLocalTimeZone.Never; dataConnector.TimeZoneInfoProvider.LocalTimeZoneId =
dataConnector.TimeZoneInfoProvider.LocalTimeZoneId =
Please help....
I have tried to set the local time zone id:
scheduleDataConnector.TimeZoneInfoProviderResolved.LocalTimeZoneId = "Eastern Standard Time";
but I'm still getting the timezone dialog if I put "OnlyIfRequired"
and the error "Set ListScheduleDataConnector.TimeZoneInfoProvider.LocalTimeZoneId to a valid time zone id." if I "Never" for PrmoptForLocalTimeZone.
I have also tried: scheduleDataConnector.TimeZoneInfoProviderResolved.LocalTimeZoneId = "FLE Standard Time";
I'd really like a way to not have the time zone dialog not appear given that all of my appointments in my application are IsTimeZoneNeutral equals true.
You should use something like this:
listScheduleDataConnector.TimeZoneInfoProviderResolved.LocalTimeZoneId = "FLE Standard Time";
Here is a link to Microsoft Time Zone Index Values:
In the second column you can find the id of your time zone.
Diyan Dimitrov