I'm having trouble finding documentation on the Expression syntax. Can someone point me to it?
Thanks. I totally missed that section somehow.
I'm having trouble with the If() expression. Here is my current expression:
=If(IsNullOrEmpty(Parameters.tech), ":: " + Parameters.surveyGroup, ":: " + Parameters.surveyGroup + " :: " + Parameters.tech)
If Parameters.tech is NULL, then I'm getting #ERROR for the value in the field that this expression applies to. I then modified my expression to this:
=If(IsNullOrEmpty(Parameters.tech), "tech == null", "tech != null")
When the parameter is in fact NULL, I am still getting #ERROR for the value in the field.
Here is the configuration of the tech Paramter:
(i've also tried it by selecting "Allow Blank")
So is there a problem with IsNullOrEmpty()? Or am I doing something wrong?
Hi Brad,
There is a topic called "About Expressions" that starts on page 93 of the CTP User Guide. It covers the basics of the expression syntax but doesn't show the syntax for each function. Are you having trouble with a specific function or is this documentation sufficient for your question? Do you have any suggestions for how we could improve the Expression creation experience?