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Key and Tag properties wont set on Dynamicall added Columns , Rows

 I am dynamically adding columns and rows to my UltraWebGrid however the Key property and the Tag properties will not persist to the page. This is a problem when i have cell updates and am trying to check the row or cell identity.

UltraGridRow row = new UltraGridRow(true);

row.Key = tenor.Identity.ToString();

row.Tag ="GRRRR";

this.UltraWebGrid1.Rows.Add(row, false, true);


Any ideas?

  • 45

    I have nearly the same problem: 

    I am also dynamically adding my columns and rows, i bind a list of objects to my Webgrid.
    Then I do following:

    uwgDaten.Rows[i].Cells.FromKey("myColName").Tag = 1;

    After a postback, I want to read out this tag:
    string tagValue = Int32.Parse(uwgDaten.Rows[i].Cells.FromKey("myColName").Tag.ToString());

    Then I get a NullPointerException!

    Did you find a solution or another way?