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How do I close a Custom Appointment Dialog and return to the calling XamOutlookCalendarView?


this is the picture:

I have a solution with SILVERLIGHT/WPF shared code  and, whenever possible, I use shared UserControls in the 2 projects.

I use my own custom dialogs (AppointmentDialogFactory : ScheduleDialogFactoryBase) in order to show a customize window to the user inserting a new appointment or updating an existing one.

Since I want to use shared code my custom dialogs are UserControls.

Now, while I managed to do everything I wanted to, I am missing 2 things:


1) I don't know how to set width and height of the hosting window (yours) , since your window does not take in account the usercontrol dimensions (which I set to my needs).

2) When I'm done with the new appointment how to I close your window?

I guess it's something silly, but ... I'm lost.

Best Regards
