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XamRibbon 12.1: ButtonTool Images not working correctly!

Hi infragistics i have just noticed the the ButtonTool has a major Bug! when you set the smallImage and the LargeImage property they dont show in some cases! my Xaml code below when i run it i only see images for the Maximum property i set for "ImageOnly"

Xaml code:

                        <ig:XamRibbonTabItem Header="Tab" Visibility="Visible">
                             <!-- Add Editing XamRibbonGroup-->
                            <ig:XamRibbonGroup Caption="Test" Id="EditingGroup">

<!-- The Line Below works! it shows the image only -->

                                <ig:ButtonTool Caption="button1" MaximumSize="ImageOnly"           SmallImage="Assets/Images/NewAdd16.png" LargeImage="Assets/Images/NewAdd32.png"/>

<!-- The Line Below Shows text Only the image is not shown the Text is shown and button is normal size   But the Image is not displayed and it should be ! -->

   <ig:ButtonTool Caption="button2" MaximumSize="ImageAndTextNormal"  SmallImage="Assets/Images/NewAdd16.png" LargeImage="Assets/Images/NewAdd32.png"/>


<!-- The Line Below Shows text Only the image is not shown the Text is shown and button is Large size   But the Image is not displayed and it should be ! -->

                                <ig:ButtonTool Caption="button3" MaximumSize="ImageAndTextLarge"   SmallImage="Assets/Images/NewAdd16.png" LargeImage="Assets/Images/NewAdd32.png"/>

                            <!-- End Editing XamRibbonGroup-->

how do i get the images to show on the settings of "ImageAndTextNormal" and "ImageAndtextLarge"

I also tried this from code behind exactly how it is done in your sample :

It works in your sample but does not in my code why ??? this is the same issue if i use a RadioButtonControl

this is so annoying it should take 5 secs to create a Xamribbon group if this was working ...but instead i am stending 2 hours trying to find out why this is not working! it just seems to me the infragistics Silverlight Assembly still needs a lot of code fixing..i dont see why the sample would work and it wont work in my code and i am using the same version assembly v12.1 with the assembly

Can you please help ?