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Facing issue while using UltraWebGrid 11.1 instead of 6.3 in my .net upgradation

I am facing following isuues while using UltraWebGrid 11.1 instead of 6.3 in my .net upgradation


1)in 6.3 row is getting selected when i click on the cell of first column while in 11.1 row is getting selected on any of the cell click

2)in 6.3 when i click first time to select row it creates a solid border over the row and when i click second time it changes the background color of selected row while in 11.1 it is changing backgroud color of selected row in the first click only

3)in 6.3 when i drag mouse on first column it select multiple rows while in 11.1 only the single row is getting selected , and also facing problem while setting up fonts of header and rows


can you please tell me workaround for this ?

Thanks in advance