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Not able to select an item from UltaWinExplorerBar


I am using  Test Automation for HP UFT WIndows forms version 2016.1.

When I recorded a script,it recognizes control as UltaWinExplorerBar. When it is called to select item by specifying the group name and item name , it's selecting the item present before the given item in one section (in one case) and the first item in another section ( Supposed to select 3rd item in another case).Attached the object properties shown in OR.

My code is as below.

SwfWindow("Menu: Window").SwfObject("VerticalMenu").SetActiveGroup "Appointments"

SwfWindow("Menu: Window").SwfObject("VerticalMenu").SelectItem "Appointments","Appointment Schedule"

Is there any additional properties to be selected to make it work or Any alternative to work as per expectation? Please help me to identify the issue here.