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How can I retrieve the data from ultrawingrid?


How can I retrieve the data from ultrawingrid?

Firstly i added the ultrawingrid object to the script (“UltraGrid1Net()”). then

 Dim MyTable As UltraGridTestObject



  Dim Row As Integer

        For Row = 0 To MyTable.GetRowCount() - 1

            Dim Col As Integer

            For Col = 0 To MyTable.GetColumnCount() - 1

              msgbox("Value at cell {0}, {1}, {2}: {3}", ("Row"), ("Col"), ("is"), MyTable.GetCell(Row, Col)))

            Next Col

        Next Row

I got the above code from net and I modified according to my requirement, when I’m trying to compile the above code it is giving me the following error:

“Type ‘UltraGridTestObject’ is not defined”

Pls let me know is ‘UltraGridTestObject’ is right to use for ultrawingrid or let me know the appropriate object to use.