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RFT not recoganising the Objects


Previously we have been working with 32bit application in XP now the OS has been migrated to Windows 7 where we are facing the below issues,   I have installed infragistics V2010.3. I can able to capture the objects but when i tried to highlight it is not working.   Version of RFT : 8.2  

Version of TestAdvantage:v10.3  

Version of NetAdvantage:V10.3  

OS  :Windows 7 64 bit  

AUT :64 bit  

Oracle : 64bit  

Sybase: 64 bit  

Version of Net advantage is matching with the Version of Test Advantage.   In XP we are having the customization files under the following directory C:\Documents and Settings\All users\Application Data\IBM\RFT\customization  whereas in windows7 we are having it in different location C:\ProgramData\IBM\RFT\customization. Is this is an issue?   Also i'm attaching the Customization files present in Windows7 machine for your reference,  

Can u please help on this issue.  


  • 29045
    Offline posted


    Have you made any progress or are you still having issues using TestAdvantage for RFT? Do let us know if you have any additional questions. Thanks.

  • 29045
    Offline posted

    Hello Mani,

    Thank you for contacting Infragisitcs. The default location is correct for Windows 7. As seen here:

    Can you verify that the folder "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\Infragistics\TestAdvantage for Windows Forms (IBM) 2010 Vol. 3 CLR 2.0\Samples\TestApplication\bin\" exist and you can run the sample application exe from Windows Explorer?

    Also try creating a test project and record and replay on the sample application. If that works then the product is installed properly. If it does not then please attach it to this forum thread.

    Because TestAdvantage has no specific code that refers to the Operating System and this issue is occuring on Windows 7 and not on Windows XP it would appear that this is an IBM issue. Therefore I recommend reaching out to IBM if you have not already done so while we assist you.

    Let me know if you have any questions regarding this matter.