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Horizontal scrollbar not working for UltraGrid when scaling Windows resolution up to 150%

On our Windows 10 machine, using Intel integrated graphics at 1920x1080, when we scale up to 150%, the right hand side of our UltraGrid gets truncated and no horizontal scrollbar appears. The only fix at runtime, is to resize the columns until all columns are visible.

We were able to correct the problem in code, by reducing the width of the grid by @ 100 px, in addition to some other minor adjustments to a few column widths. It would seem that we should not have to reduce the width of the grid for the horizontal scrollbar to appear in a larger scaling %.  Please advise.  


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  • 29145
    Offline posted

    Hello Aaron, 

    I attached a dpi-ready sample with our UltraGrid. We've been implementing dpi-scaling support for our upcoming release. While the issue doesn't sound familiar to me personally please test the sample attached below and provide details on which .NET version you are using and build (volume and four digit trailing number) you are using.

    If you are using an older version of .NET framework 4, eg. < 4.5 then try updating to 4.6 (possibly 4.7) and see if the issue still  happens. Windows has made some improvements to how elements scale in 4.6.

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