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Get Child Band Row Count from SwfTable

I am using UFT One 2023.

I am able to capture the Row Count of the Parent (Level 1) rows.  However, some of the rows have Child (Level 2) rows and I'm having issues capturing the count of these particular rows.

I keep reading articles about using GetNAProperty (and that seems to be working for many people).  However, this method is not available in UFT.  The closest method I could find was GetROProperty. However, that doesn't seem to be returning the correct count -- it keeps returning ' 1 '.

Here is my code:

'First I select a row

SwfWindow("Portfolio Rebalancing").SwfTable("grdEAA").SelectRow(0)

'Then I attempt to get the row count of any child bands:

childBandsCount = SwfWindow("Portfolio Rebalancing").SwfTable("grdEAA").GetROProperty("ActiveRow.ChildBands.Count")

(This always returns '1' whether there are child rows or not)

Here is an example of my table. The highlighted BLUE rows are the Parent Rows.  As can be seen, in some instances there are child rows (yellow highlight) associated with the Parent rows and in other cases there is not).  I just need to select each Parent Row and then determine and/or get the row count of any potential Child Rows