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(TA6.3)Unable to select a ListBox item which is under SwfTreeView


1) Iam using Test AdvantageInfragistics 6.3

I am unable to select a item in List Box which is under SwfTreeView.

QTP is not recognizing ListBox.

2) I am not able set the value in Edit Box which is under SwfToolBar but i can able to find the edit box in Swf Tool Bar(Please find the below mentioned code)

I am not able Select the Item from ListBox which is under SwfToolBar

The above mentioned EditBox and ListBox are under one SwfToolbar 

Set toolbarObj=SwfWindow("TASER : UAT - Exceptions").SwfToolbar("_panelBlotter_Toolbars_Dock_Ar").Object.ToolbarsManager.Tools

Set toolbarObj=SwfWindow("UAT").SwfToolbar("_panelBlotter_Toolbars").Object.ToolbarsManager.Tools

For x = 0 to toolbarObj.count - 1
           If "SearchText"  = toolbarObj.GetItem(x).Key Then
                 Set GetToolFromToolbar = toolbarObj.GetItem(x)
     msgbox GetToolFromToolbar
    GetToolFromToolbar.Set "Kiran" ( It is throughing error in this line as "Object does not support this property or method)

                 bToolFound = true
     msgbox bToolFound
                 Exit for
           End If

Can you please help on this issue.

Thanks & Regards,

Kiran L

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    It is recommended to use the recorded actions to access it, but if I follow your logic correctly you should be able to use:

    GetToolFromToolbar.Text = "Kiran"

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