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Load data for WebSchedule Controls For current Dates


I want to use WebMonthView, WeekView  and DayView controls on my page and allow the user to switch between the views.

I want to load the data in such a way that if user is in month view then load data for the current month of webmonthview control and similarly for  the week and day. And also want to have a UltraWebCalendar on the top. when in day or week mode i want to show this calendar and allow the user to choose date to view events so load the data for that date or for whole week if in weekly view.

Is this possible?


  • 40030
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted


    The WebScheduleInfo object has an event called FrameIntervalChanging.

    The eventargs to this event contain a FrameInterval object that has a StartDate and EndDate property.

    You can use these properties to constrain what days appointments are loaded for.

    Is this what you were looking for?
