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WebSplitter full screen


It seems like a very silly question, but is it possible to make the WebSplitter fullscreen without having to specify the exact pixel values? 

I'm trying to create a screen layer with a Horizontal WebSplitter, the top pane housing menu and toolbar, and a vertical splitter to hold an outlook style web list on the left pane and main content on the right.  But the WebSplitter refuses to go full screen with I set the Height to 100%.

     <ig:WebSplitter ID="WebSplitter1" runat="server" Height="768px" Orientation="Horizontal" Width="100%" AutoPostBackFlags-SplitterBarPositionChanged="Off">
            <ig:SplitterPane runat="server" Size="50px">
            <ig:SplitterPane runat="server" Size="100%">
                    <ig:WebSplitter ID="WebSplitter1_vert1" runat="server" Height="100%">
                            <ig:SplitterPane runat="server" Size="25%">
                            <ig:SplitterPane runat="server" Size="100%">




  • 28464

    Hello Adrian,

    Indeed, this is a tricky one. I believe it is best to take a look at the following forum thread:

    The idea is that the splitter needs a parent with position relative or explicitly set height/width in order to calculate it height in percentages correctly in Standards compliant mode. More info in the thread above.
