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SplitterPane' contains too many device filters. There can be only one.


In a master page, I added a websplitter (horizontal), added a new pane and inside the 2nd pane I added one vertical pane (so it's not a websplitter in a websplitter). I added the content place holder in the middle right pane.

The problem is when I refer to this content place holder in the content page that refers to the master page.

Thanks for your help.

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  • 8160

    Probably visual studio failed in recognizing tag prefixes. There was issue with VS 2008. To resolve this try to install the latest service pack for visual studio or try to change the tag prefixes.

    Please note, we are making efforts to ensure all posts are addressed by an Infragistics expert. We believe that the other community members could benefit from this thread as well.

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