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Firefox and WebSplitter

Hello Recently I open a page with WebSplitter in firefox 2.0 and found some issue with text fields inside of SplitterPane - thay all can't receive input focus and I can't udersdand why (mouse cursor is changing well according overed html elements ). It seems like mouse click event is intercepted by JS.

Maybe someone meet a same problems and know possible decision... thanks.

My WebSplitter with control inside:

    <aikido:WebSplitter id="WebSplitterMain" runat="server" height="645px" cssclass="mainSplitter" bordercolor="#ffffff" borderstyle="Solid" borderwidth="3" width="98%">
            <aikido:SplitterPane runat="server" collapsed="false" maxsize="400px" size="600px" backcolor="White" bordercolor="#CCCCCC" borderwidth="1" collapseddirection="PreviousPane">
            <aikido:SplitterPane runat="server" locked="false" collapsed="false">
                    <asp:TextBox id="txtLogin" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>