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Obtaining the X value and Y value in an IRenderLabel for a composite scatter chart.

I have a composite scatterchart that produces several lines (ConnectWithLines=true) series. I have created a single X Axis to use on each of thes series and added an IRenderLabel class to this axis:


xAxisLine.Labels.ItemFormat = AxisItemLabelFormat.Custom

xAxisLine.Labels.ItemFormatString = "<X_Label>";


My input Dataseries is an XYSeries:





CL_Line = new ChartLayerAppearance();



XYSeries thisSeries = new XYSeries();


thisSeries.Data.DataSource = dataseries;

thisSeries.Data.ValueXColumn = ValueXColumn;

thisSeries.Data.ValueYColumn = ValueYColumn;

thisSeries.Data.LabelColumn = labelColumn;

thisSeries.Label = dataseries.TableName;



CL_Line.ChartType =



In my XLabelRender class I see 12 items in my context array in the ToString(). 1 is the data_value. However I would like to get both the X value and Y value to format my X label string but cannot not seem to find them. I would expect to see an X value and Y Value since its a scatterchart type. Am I missing something?