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WebDataGrid Returning Undefined using igtbl_getGridById

Hello all,

I have recently been expriencing a problem regarding my WebDataGrid returning as undefined when using the client-side igtbl_getGridById method, as shown below:

var grid = igtbl_getGridById("<%= myWebDataGrid.ClientID %>");

The WebDataGrid itself is located inside the content page that uses a master page, then a WebDialogWindow, which contains the content pane and template tags.

I have checked that the WebDataGrid identifier is correct and tried various fixes/work-arounds as suggested by other forum members. I have tried the following:

var grid = igtbl_getGridById("<%= myWebDataGrid.UniqueID %>");

var grid = $find("<%= myWebDataGrid.ClientID %>");

var grid = $find("<%= myWebDataGrid.UniqueID %>");

The above two are the only ones that have successfully returned a WebDataGrid object, but when doing so they do not expose the required infragistics methods, I think this is because the $find method is a standard JavaScript function.

I have also tried replacing the _ character with x as a suggested work-around with no luck.

Any help is much appreciated.



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