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Can WebHierarchicalDataGrid support AutoCrud =False?

I got pretty good at repeating my preferred pattern w/ WebDataGrid: 

1) Crud Stored Procs + 2) .Net DataSets and TableAdapters + 3) ObjectDataSource + 4) WebDataGrid w/ AutoCrud = false.

Now I'm using the WebHierarchicalDataGrid w/ one child band, but I don't yet understand the similarities and differences between those two controls.

a)  Can the WebHierarchicalDataGrid work w/ AutoCrud = false? 

b)  Can the WebHierarchicalDataGrid tolerate EnableAjax = false? Does it need EnableAjax = true for row expanders, etc>

c)  I noticed that some of the WebHierarchicalDataGrid samples use a delete button in a column template, or a Delete ContextMenu Item, instead of the EditingCore.RowDeleting behavior.  Is that because the EditingCore.RowDeleting behavior can't be expected to work on a WebHierarchicalDataGrid?

If I prefer AutoCrud = false on my WebDataGrids, what's the best way for me to implement Adding, Updating and Deleting in a WebHierarchicalDataGrid?

Also, it seems that I've had WebDataGrids that could successfully update SQL Server tables with AutoCrud = true, but as I enhanced the *.aspx file, at some point the WebDataGrid stopped sending traffic to SQL Server even though AutoCrud = True had Not changed.   Is there a list of other properties and their values that could cause AutoCrud to stop working?  Perhaps EnableViewState, EnableDataViewState, EnableAjaxViewState, etc?


