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webdatagrid not updated


i use WebDataGrid Version 11.1.20111.2064 with Asp.Net 4.x. The grid is bound to a SqlDataSource, AutoCRUD is enabled and if i change a value in a cell, the update is working correct.

But if i try to set the set the value of a cell via a javascript function, the 'Text' in the call is changed, but the bound value in the datasource is not changing!!

function wdg_POI_Selection_RowSelectionChanged(sender, eventArgs) {
 // use the function to get a reference on the grid and the akt_row 
            if (akt_grid == null)
                akt_grid = sender;

            // Select row
            akt_rows = eventArgs.getSelectedRows();
            akt_Index = akt_rows.getItem(0).get_index();
            akt_Row_ID = akt_rows.getItem(0).get_cell(0).get_text();


        function click_Koord() {
            if (akt_rows != null) {
                akt_Lat = $get("tb_Lat").value;
                akt_Lon = $get("tb_Lon").value;
                var Koordinate = "POINT (" + akt_Lon + " " + akt_Lat + ")";

                var editingCore = akt_grid.get_behaviors().get_editingCore();


I try to change the akt_grid or the akt_row! The text in the cell is allways changed as excpected. But the DataSource is not updated.

Any solution for this problem?