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Help! WebDataGrid displays hidden fields on Ajax Postback

I have a project (ASP.NEXT WebForms, CLR4.5, IG 2012.2 ). There is a master page that contains a script-manager and an AJAX update panel. The panel encompases a content control that appears on all of the child pages so these are AJAX-aware. Data is provided via SQLDataSources (I'm not using entity framework.)

With WebDataGrids on display, when there is an AJAX postback the grids (both on the master and child pages) lose some of their formatting and hidden fields (containing record IDs etc) become visible.

I have tried combinations of explicitly enabling and disabling ViewState and AjaxViewState to no avail.

This was not happening before - please help. I have wasted much time on this and I am about to hit a project deadline.

Kind regards


Dev system: Windows 8 Ent, 64 bit. VS2012. IG for ASP.NET 12.2.20122.2014. I have a current paid maintenance/updates agreement.