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WebExcelExporter does not respond on Export, (WebDataGrid bound with DataTable)



When I click on my "Export Data" button, no dialog window appears allowing me to save or open an excel file.


I am trying to implement the WebExcelExporter control in an ASP.NET application to download the data contained in my WebDataGrid as an excel spreadsheet.  The data that I am binding to the WebDataGrid, is coming from queries I am completing against a proprietary data base (not SQL or any other compatible DataSource type).  I retrieve the data from my queries as a DataTable and then bind it to the WebDataGrid.  I have a WebExcelExporter on the page as well as a button that when being clicked triggers the method call to export the DataGrid in an excel sheet.  I have set a break point to verify that this code is being triggered.

ASP code:

<ig:WebExcelExporter ID="StationExcelExporter" runat="server" DownloadName="Exported Stations"></ig:WebExcelExporter>
<asp:Button ID="btnExport" runat="server" Text="Export Station Data" onclick="btnExport_Click" UseSubmitBehavior="False" />

C# Button Event Code:

protected void btnExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     StationExcelExporter.Export(StationDataGrid); // OR this.StationExcelExporter.Export(this.StationDataGrid) (Neither work)



  • Infragistics4.Web.v13.1
  • Infragistics4.WebUI.Documents.Excel.v13.1
  • Infragistics4.WebUI.Documents.IO.v13.1
  • Infragistics4.WebUI.WebResizingExtender.v13.1

I set a breakpoint on the line of code that executes the Export method call, and when I look into the DataSource of the StationDataGrid (WebDataGrid control), I can see all of the data binded to the DataGrid.  Any help with this would be appreciated because I'm not sure what else I can debug.

I have code identical to this is another application and it works.

I followed this tutorial exactly and it didn't work for me, so I continued to make various changes to it to suit my needs.



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