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Export to Excel only exports column headers, no data.

I'm calling a stored procedure, filling a datatable with the results, then binding the webdatagrid to the datatable.  When I export the webdatagrid to Excel, the column headers are exported but no data.  Here are the relevant pieces of code:

Dim selectionString As String
       selectionString = "EXEC NamePhraseSearch '" + BuildParameter() + "'"
       SqlDataSource1.SelectCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.Text
       SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = selectionString
       Dim connectionstring As String = SqlDataSource1.ConnectionString
       Using cnn As New Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connectionstring)
           Using dad As New Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(selectionString, cnn)
               dad.SelectCommand.CommandTimeout = 0
           End Using
       End Using
       webGridResults.DataSource = dtb
--This results in the grid being populated with the results from the stored procedure in the form of the datatable.
--Then to export to excel:
       WebExcelExporter1.DataExportMode = DataExportMode.AllDataInDataSource
       WebExcelExporter1.DownloadName = "ListingsSummary"
When I open the excel file that is downloaded there are only Column headers, no data.
Please assist me with this issue.