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Display my own image as Subject of an Appointment in Webmonthview


I want to format the displayed information of an appointment with HTML-Tags,
for example with an image of my own.

 Example: there is an appointment at 2:26, Subject ist "Today's Appointment (Office)"
The Infragistics Samples will render this (using the standard-appointmentformatstring) as

<div title="2:26am - 5:26am
Today's Appointment
(Office)" class="igmv_Appointment" uie="Appt" ig_key="85533">
      2:26am&nbsp;Today's Appointment (Office)

Now I set the Subject to "<img ../myimage.gif>Today's Appointment (Office)" - but this
is rendered as "&lt;../myimage.gif>Today's Appointment (Office)", the special character "<" is replaced by "&lt;".

 Which method/property must be set to have the picture displayed?
I would expect something similar like me.webmonthview.items(x).cell.value = "my own text with html-tags".

 Thanks for any suggestions!



  • 310

    Did you ever find a solution for this? I would also like to format my appointments by using HTML tags or at least format them in some way other than the default.