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Add New row by user but with values added to 2 cols


I have a WebDataGrid attached to a SQLDataSource. 

fields: (CompositeKey: ControlNum; ControlNumSub)

ControlNum (Hidden)





I want the user to be able to add a new row on the gird by entering the DueDate, RecievedDate and CompletedCode.  Once the user has entered the data they hit the <Enter> key.  Before the row is commited I would like to enter the ControlNum and ControlNumSub values in the gird through Javascript.  The ControlNum comes from a label that is on the same page.  The ControlNumSub field needs to be calculated in that I will have to extract the previous row's ControlNumSub value and add 1 to it. (ex. Previous row ControlNumSub = 2; New Row value should = 3).

How would set the value of ControlNum and ControlNumSub before the user commits the row?

Been trying to figure this out for weeks!! :( please help!

Kavita Patel