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Webdatechooser turns transparent over Ultrawebtab, Thanks!

Dear Professional,


First of all, I am using Ultrawebtab  and Webdatechooser  that opens over the tab meaning that if I open the date chooser, it covers the one of existing tabs and I cannot see the tab which is what is expected.


When the page loads, everything is fine and by clicking on the date chooser, I can see the whole date control correctly, meaning in full clear view covering one of the tabs.  After I click on any tab and then click on the webdatechooser, the title of the date chooser turns to transparent and instead of seeing the the whole calendar (date chooser), the data chooser turn to transparent and I can see the tab under the date chooser. I think there should be a property of the tab  or the date chooser (i.e. always on top) that set to false when the page refreshes and I need to find and set it to true for date chooser to be always on top ( or false for the tab to be always be under any control) . Please help. Really appreciate that. We are using the 2007 version on our ajax enabled application on windows xp. 


Thanks very much in advance!


Andy Eshtry

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    Hi Andy,

    It looks like a problem with failure to properly load css classes used by datechooser (and its drop-down calendar). If it is IE+ajax callbacks, then you should keep in mind that after a postback, IE may swap order of possible css resources (links to css files) and css defined by <style> objects. That happens, because IE applies ajax-response-html instantly and if response includes resources, then those resources are loaded with delay. It means that if resources contain values which conflict with values in <style>, then resources win and destroy <style> appearance. There is no fix is possible for that feature of IE, but do not use css resources. It is also possible that css values may include background-image and those images are lost (or overriden by other classes).

    If it is the case and datechooser uses EnableAppStyling, then you may try to disable it and force your custom colors. For example:

    <igsch:WebDateChooser EnableAppStyling="false" ID="WebDateChooser1" runat="server">
        <CalendarStyle BackColor="#CCCCCC"></CalendarStyle>

    <style type="text/css">.red{background:red;}</style>

    <igsch:WebDateChooser EnableAppStyling="false" ID="WebDateChooser1" runat="server">
       <CalendarStyle CssClass="red"></CalendarStyle>

    You also may customize other styles like DayHeaderStyle, TitleStyle, etc.

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