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Cells no-wrap fails when question marks or hyphen is involved


I am using v.10.3 and i want the grid to display the cells with no wrapping and ellipsis , it is set to resize so when the user will resize the columns the text in cell is displayed accordingly.

The bottom line is that the client wants to have always only one text row per cell , so that whatever i have in the cells , no matter how long the text is, the grid will have its rows of the same height.

While this is now fixed and works great with whitespaces - i used css here- there are characters like - or ? , and maybe a few i haven't found yet that will break the line no matter what.


Above is a sample:

First line breaks after "?" and i want to avoid that

Second line behaves as expected, and i want to have "?" behave as any other charater in this case.

I already set

column.CellMultiline =

CellMultiline.No; No change happened.

My  target is IE 8 for now.

Any advice that could helped is really appreciated, than you.
