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'IG/IG.h' file not found

I have upgraded Xcode to the latest Version 7.2.1 (7C1002) as of 2/8/2016, and now my project won't compile, with the following error: 'IG/IG.h' file not found. The code has been working well previously.  To double check, I tried compiling the SampleBrowser demo project, and got the same error (also working fine prior to latest upgrade).  I've removed the libraries, re-added them.  I tried explicitly adding the full IG.h path to no avail.

I've submitted a ticket, but wonder if anyone else is having the same problem.  Thanks. 

  • 21382

    It sounds like the Framework Search Path is wrong.

    I would check that first.

  • 110
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted

    I solved it - apparently the latest Xcode upgrade cleared my user header search path and framework search path, and I only restored the framework search path.