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Vary SpanY for each row in the UltraGrid

Using Version 12.2...  I have an UltraGrid with one band, set with RowLayoutStyle set to ColumnLayout.  I have five columns in the band layed out like this:

█  Country   █  STATUS  █  INFORMATION  █
█                ███████████████████████
█                █ COMMENTS                         █
█                ███████████████████████
█                █ DEPLOYMENT                      █

COUNTRY...        origin x = 0, origin y = 0, span X = 1, span Y = 3
STATUS...           origin x = 1, origin y = 0, span X = 1, span Y = 1
INFORMATION... origin x = 2, origin y = 0, span X = 1, span Y = 1
COMMENTS...     origin x = 1, origin y = 1, span X = 2, span Y = 1
DEPLOYMENT...  origin x = 1, origin y = 2, span X = 2, span Y = 1

The DEPLOYMENT value is optional for records displayed in this grid.  What I would like to do is set the HIDDEN property for the DEPLOYMENT cell in each row TRUE or FALSE dependent on whether it needs to show or not.  This I easily know how to do.  However, if the cell is hidden, I would like the COUNTRY cell to only SPAN Y = 2.  That's what I have no idea how to accomplish.  If I hide the DEPLOYMENT cell without changing the Y span of COUNTRY, the spot for the DEPLOYMENT cell is still allocated, even if the cell isn't actually visible.

Can I even do this?