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System OverFlow Exception - Ultrawingrd/UltraDropdown Infragistic control issue (Goes into a never ending loop on the first call)

Hi All,

Our CSLA project windows application, in which we are using Infragistics controls. We have scenario where the applications crashes when click on the dropdown control under the UtraWinGrid

Below is the scenario

When the page is loaded the grid is filled with all the required as below as shown in the below snapshot.

There are two columns 

1. Category Id

2. Options

The option column is a drop down which gets populated and filtered based on the value of the Category. The Dropdown gets filtered and poppulated in the below event,

For the first click on the dropdown, it goes in a never ending loop when we add the filter condition based on the category. We get the system overflow exception error. This error started coming when upgraded our infragistics control to 17.1

Just for workaround when we skip the first call of adding the filter condition to the dropdown. Now second time when the trigger the same event it works properly. So not sure whether the problem is from the UtlraWinGrid control or Ultradropdown control. If anyone has come across such scenario your input will be valuable.

Private Sub UltraGridDiscountsSurcharges_BeforeCellActivate(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.CancelableCellEventArgs) Handles UltraGridDiscountsSurcharges.BeforeCellActivate
If e.Cell.Column.Key = "PremModifierOptionId" Then
FilterModifierOptions(CType(e.Cell.Row.Cells("PremModifierCatId").Value, Integer))
End If
End Sub

Private Sub FilterModifierOptions(ByVal CategoryId As Integer)

With Me.UltraDropDownOptions.DisplayLayout.Bands(0)
.ColumnFilters("RBKCategoryId").FilterConditions.Add(FilterComparisionOperator.Equals, CategoryId)
End With

End Sub