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Checkbox not checking when selecting in a grid

I have a grid with read only columns and one checkbox column.

I set the grids CellClickAction: grid.DisplayLayout.Override.CellClickAction = CellClickAction.RowSelect

because I have a click event handler on the grid to process the selected row.

The issue is when I check the checkbox, the check never makes it through.

My workaround is as follows:

private void grid_MouseClick(object         sender,
                                            MouseEventArgs e)
            var ug = (UltraGrid)sender;
            if (ug.ActiveCell != null && ug.ActiveCell.Column.Key.Equals("Check"))
                ug.ActiveRow.Selected = true;
                ((CheckEditor) ug.ActiveCell.EditorResolved).CheckState = CheckState.Checked;
            var selectedRows = grid.Selected;

            if (selectedRows == null ||
                selectedRows.Rows.Count == 0) return;

                                                                                .ListObject as

But as soon as you "select" the ActiveRow it clears the check box again.