We are upgrading from 17.1 to 18.1. I just installed 18.1 using the Platform Installer, and can't find the NuGet packages. With 17.1, they were located in both "C:\Program Files (x86)\Infragistics\2017.1\Windows Forms\NuGet Packages" and "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Infragistics\NuGet", but they don't seem to be in similar places for 18.1. Nor can I find a separate download for them.
Hello Scott,
NuGet packages for Infragistics Windows Forms are not currently offered. We offered them for a short time, but very large amounts of users were experiencing issues with the Visual Studio designer when using them. After a bit of research on our end, we found that it is extremely difficult to provide the designer experience when using NuGet packages, which our Windows Forms product is heavily reliant on. To prevent further issues, we discontinued NuGet support for our Windows Forms product.
Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.
Hello Andrew,
there's a preview feature "Use the preview Windows Forms designer for .NET Core apps". Have you looked into whether your issues are equally true in that one?
Hello Soren / Gilles / David,
There are NuGet packages for the Infragistics for Windows Forms toolset now, but only for .NET Core / .NET 5 / .NET 6 targets. We support all three of those with our latest release of 2021.2, and we began NuGet support for .NET Core 3.1 in 2020.1. NET 5 support came in 2020.2, and NET 5 designer support in 2021.1. This can be seen by reviewing our revision history here: https://www.infragistics.com/help/winforms/whats-new.
There are still no plans to release NuGet packages for .NET Framework targeted projects for the reasons mentioned above.