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How to disable UltraGrid columns autoFit to Grid width

I have datasource with dozen of columns.

I'd like to fit columns' width to its content by  executing below code

DisplayLayout.AutoFitStyle     = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.AutoFitStyle.None;
foreach (UltraGridColumn column in Columns) column.PerformAutoResize( PerformAutoSizeType.VisibleRows, includeHeader  );

it seems working but my problem is that I all columns are 'scaled' to grid's width (so If I enlarge form where grid resides I can see all cells)
I need all columns and content to be fully shown + horizontal scroll bar 

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    My guess is that you are setting AutoFitStyle in some other place in your code, after you set it to None. 
    Or perhaps you are not setting it directly, but maybe you are loading a Layout into your grid that is setting it. 

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