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How to customize UltraChart scrollbar?

Hello, I'm using Infragistics2.Win.UltraWinChart.v10.2 (version 10.2.20102.1004).

How can I customize scrollbar shown for axis in case of 

Chart.Axis.X.ScrollScale.Visible = true?

I see quite many classes and props like ScrollBarSkin, but can't figure out how to use them.

  • 1500
    Offline posted


    From what I can see from the screenshot attached, there are only 2 properties for the scroll bar, and one of them would be vertical, the other one horizontal. Then there is one more for image, and another for skin.

    You can use the following properties to force the scroll bar to appear: 

    'For Enabling the Scroll Bar Along the X Axis

                uichart.Axis.X.ScrollScale.Visible = True

                'For Enabling the Scroll Bar Along the Y Axis

                uichart.Axis.Y.ScrollScale.Visible = True

    and then test the properties and customize the bar you are looking for.

    Please note that the version you are using is heavily outdated, as each Infragistics product has a minimum of one year of product service releases and three years of developer support. More information about the lifecycle of Infragistics products you may find by following the next link

    Please let me know if you need any additional information.

    Tihomir Tonev
    Associate Software Developer