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UltraCategoryChart XAxisLabelHorizontalAlignment won't align center?

I am trying to align my labels in the center using:

UltraCategoryChart1.XAxisLabelHorizontalAlignment = Alignment.HorizontalCenterAlign

But they are slightly off center. It's not the end of the world, but slightly annoying. Any fix for this?

UltraCategoryChart1.XAxisInterval = 1 
UltraCategoryChart1.XAxisLabelFontSize = 16
UltraCategoryChart1.XAxisLabelLeftMargin = 14
UltraCategoryChart1.XAxisLabelTextColor = New SolidColorBrush(Color.Black)
UltraCategoryChart1.XAxisLabelTextStyle = FontStyle.Bold
UltraCategoryChart1.XAxisLabelVisibility = Infragistics.Portable.Components.UI.Visibility.Visible
UltraCategoryChart1.XAxisLabelHorizontalAlignment = Alignment.HorizontalCenterAlign