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Performance Issue with Export Method for Large Data Sets

Hi All,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to address a performance concern we have encountered while using the export method in your software library.

We have been utilizing your export functionality to export our data sets, which occasionally exceed 200,000 records. While the export method has proven effective for smaller data sets, we have noticed a significant increase in processing time when attempting to export larger data sets. We are Using ultraGridExcelexport.export method to export the data. For 200,000 record it is taking more than 5 hours to Export it into excel.

We kindly request your guidance and support in optimizing the export method to handle larger data sets more efficiently.

To help you better understand the situation, we have included some relevant details below also attached sample code screenshot we are using to export the record.  

  • Software Version: 22.2.20222.16
  • Data Set Size: Exceeding 200,000 records.
  • Export Format: Excel
  • Configuration Details:x86

--Creating Record: (25 Columns X 200,000 rows)

-- Exporting by using ultraGridExcelexport

Thanks, and regards,


  • 34430
    Offline posted

    Hello Susmitha,

    I have been investigating into the behavior you are seeing, and I have tested a sample project similar to your data structure with 200,000 records and 25 columns against version 22.2.20222.16 as well as our latest version 23.1.20231.52. Testing each of these versions yielded similar results, but I did not see the 5-hour export on either.

    My results yielded an export time of about 2 minutes without any modifications to the UltraGridExcelExporter object. The 2-minute export created an Excel file of the size of about 17MB. Note though, this time can be improved as by default, the exporter will try to apply cell formatting to match the UltraGrid and this can eat up some time as the .NET formats do not always directly match the Excel ones. You can disable this by using the following option:

    ultraGridExcelExporter1.ExportFormattingOptions = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.ExcelExport.ExportFormattingOptions.None;           

    Doing this knocks the export down from around 2 minutes to about 30 seconds on my end.

    I am unsure why this would be taking around 5 hours for you? Would it be possible for you to please run the attached sample project and confirm that it is taking a similar amount of time? If it takes longer, this could be a sign of an environmental issue. If it does not, then this may indicate something more specific about your scenario that is not present in my sample and it would be helpful if you can modify the sample to demonstrate. Alternatively, if you have an isolated sample of your own that you can provide, I can take a look at that instead.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.