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BackColor for Cells editable or not

Hi Infragistics, my dear forum and forumers.

I'm trying to apply a specific layout on my UltraWinGrid: I want a different color for my cells, depending on if we can edit their value or not.
More explicitely, this is a wonderful draw that describes what i want to say:

Unfortunally, this is urgent!
Thanks for your help!

  • 45049

    You can set the ForeColor and BackColor of each cell individually.  Doing this in an efficient manner means creating a separate Appearance object for your "not-editable" cells, and setting those cells to use that appearance object when you disable them. 

    The Activation property of the cells may give you a simpler option.  Set Activation to Disabled for the cells you don't want to be editable.  These cells will then pick up their ForeColorDisabled and BackColorDisabled as set on their Appearance object.  The benefits are that you need only one Appearance for all cells, and switching the appearance means only switching the Activation of the cell back to its previous value.

    Please remember that this is a peer-to-peer forum, and that we may not always be able to address "urgent" questions quickly here.  If you need answers from Infragistics to "urgent" questions, you should instead submit a support request.

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