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UltraCombo Can't Work Correctly in UltraGrid

I set the property just like ultragrid.displaylayout.bands[0].columns["productId"].editorcontrol = ultracombo. But clicking the right button in combo Can't excute the button's clicking event fuction. How can I resolve this problem? The right button is created in fuction oncreatecontrol of the combo. Thanks.

  • 469350
    Offline posted

    What event are you trapping?

    Is this the built-in dropdown button on the UltraCombo control? Or are you talking about editor buttons that you have added to it? 


  • 69832
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    When the EditorButton that appears within the cell is clicked, the UltraCombo's 'EditorButtonClick' event is fired, rather than the button's Click event. 

    this.ultraCombo.ButtonsRight.Add ( button );
    this.ultraCombo.EditorButtonClick += new EditorButtonEventHandler(ultraCombo_EditorButtonClick);

    void ultraCombo_EditorButtonClick(object sender, EditorButtonEventArgs e)