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Multiselect and ColumnWidth for Ultratree


I have 2 problems with Ultratree control with outlookexpress viewstyle.

1. How to enable multiselect?

I tried the following, but it didn't work:

detailUltraTree.NodeLevelOverrides[0].ColumnSet = detailUltraTree.ColumnSettings.ColumnSets["cs1"];
detailUltraTree.NodeLevelOverrides[0].SelectionType = SelectType.Extended;
detailUltraTree.NodeLevelOverrides[0].CellClickAction = CellClickAction.EditCell;
detailUltraTree.NodeLevelOverrides[1].ColumnSet = detailUltraTree.ColumnSettings.ColumnSets["cs2"];
detailUltraTree.NodeLevelOverrides[1].SelectionType = SelectType.Extended;
detailUltraTree.ViewStyle = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTree.ViewStyle.OutlookExpress;

2. How to set and get the column width?

