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Ultrabutton keyboard shortcut

I am using volume 3 v8.3 infragistic components and am relatively new to using the tools.

I know that there are options in the UltraToolbarManager to add keyboard shortcuts to the menu options. Do such poperties exists on the Ultrabutton? Is it possible to assign a keyboard shortcut to an ultrabutton such as 'Ctrl-S' to a 'Save' button?

My 'Thanks' in advance for the help

  • 469350
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    UltraButton doesn't have any shortcut functionality built-in. But it does support mnemonics. So you could set the Text of the button using an ampersand and then use the Alt key to trigger the button click via the keyboard, just like a regular Button.

    I guess another option would be to use a hidden ToolBar button with the shortcut you want and then have the toolbar button and the UltraButton both call into the same method.