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Customizing UltraGrid print preview

Hi all,

I would like to print and print preview the content of an UltraGrid control that is shown on a form. The grid holds financial data with summaries, totals, etc.

To show the print preview I used an UltraPrintPreviewDialog, bound to an UltraGridPrintDocument, whose grid is set to the UltraGrid control.

Then I used grid's InitializePrint event handler to customize print layout of the grid (row selectors, colors, shown columns). Here I also would like to change two background colors that I'm not able to find in 'e.PrintLayout.Override' property: the color for the area that in AppStylist is called 'GridControlArea', and the color of grouped rows (that can be expanded or collapsed with '+' or '-' sign). What property should I use to change that colors?

And also, I need to post another question...

On the top of each printed page, just below document's header (title), I would like to print some summary rows to complete my report with additional informations (company name, used filters, etc.). Is it possible to add a little section, to be repeated in all pages just like the title?

Thank you very much, Valentina