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how to consume the value of the column's cell


 I have a column "Qty" and what I want is to set its cell value to 0 if  another column "Evaluate" cell value is True , if it is False do nothing.

Formula on Qty:     if(Evaluate,Qty=0,Qty)

this throws me a circular reference error . how do i acchive this.

  • 469350
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted

    You can't set the column equal to itself. You would need to use two columns. What I recommend is that you hide the Qty column and then add an unbound column to display the user. Then you can use a formula on the unbound column based on the value in the Evaluate and Qty columns.

    Another option would be to simply use the InitializeRow event and set the cell value instead of using a formula.