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how to use AppStylist Border colors

Can someone explain how the border selections work in AppStylist v8.1?

I am needing to change my Active Grid Cell to have an outline.  I have changed the two border selections and the Border 3D selection, but the colors I selected are not showing up.  What am I missing?

I do see the border 3D color change on a dropdownbutton.  i don't see the two border buttons have any effect on the dropdownbuttons.

The only time I have seen the two border selection buttons change anything is on an UltraButton.



  • 469350
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted


    This won't work in AppStylist, because the grid doesn't support changing the borders for a single cell in v8.1.

    An Excel-style border for the ActiveCell is actually one of the new features we just added in the v9.2 release.