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Determine when scrolbars shown in UltraFormattedTextEditor

I want to auto resize UltraFormattedTextEditor to fit its content

(do not show horizontal scrolbar)


Is it a way to determine when scrollbar is shown? (than I can enlarge control till scrollbars hide)


PS I tried also tip from but doesnt help



  • 69832
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted

    You could do something like this by calling the GetDescendant method off the control's UIElement, passing in typeof(ScrollBarUIElement), but I would advise against this for performance reasons.

    The UltraFormattedTextEditor control utilizes the FormattedLinkEditor embeddable editor, and classes that derive from EmbeddableEditorBase (as FormattedLinkEditor does) expose a GetSize method, which I believe will give you the size  required to render the value. You can get a reference to the editor by calling GetDescendant off the control's UIElement, passing in typeof(FormattedLinkEmbeddableUIElement). The UIElement returned exposes an Editor property, which exposes a GetSize method. One of those overloads takes the maxWidth, to which you should pass the control's width minus borders. You might have to fudge the value a little to make sure no scrollbars appear but I think this approach would be more performant than increasing the size until the scrollbars disappear.

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