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How do I get the old tab info...

I'm using the UltraWinTabControl (v.8.2) and I need to know the tab I'm leaving as well as the current selected tab.


  • I have three tabs visible (Tab1, Tab2, and Tab3).
  • Tab1 is the current selected/active tab.
  • When I click on Tab3 that becomes the selected/active tab

How do I get the tab I came from (Tab1)?

Any code examples of how I can do this is appreciated.


  • 71886
    Offline posted


    You could hook to the 'ActiveTabChanged' event and access the 'PreviousActiveTab' property of the 'ActiveTabChangedEventArgs' parameter. It will give you the tab that you are comming from.

    Please do not hesitate to ask if something comes up.