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Grid row colors not alternating

I am using an ISL to control the colors of my app.  I have a grid that shows alternating row colors, but when I build valuelists and attach them to my grid columns, the alternating colors do not show on those columns.

Can you tell me what might be the problem?


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  • 469350
    Suggested Answer
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    Hi Duane,

    My guess is that you are applying some settings in AppStylist that are affecting the ValueListItem role, rather than the ValueList itself.

    If you apply an appearance to an individual item on a ValueList, like an image or a BackColor for example, then when you select that item on the list, the cell containing the ValueList will pick up that appearance.

    So if you use AppStylist to apply an appearance to all ValueListItems, the same thing happens. So you should open up your isl in AppStylist and take a look at the ValueListItem role and get rid of any settings on that role. Then you can make your ValueLists look nice by applying essentially the same settings to the ValueList role, instead. The items will be essentially transparent and the background of the ValueList will show through so it will look the same, but it won't affect the grid cells.

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