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UltraGrid and a List<T> data source


I have a List<MyDataObject> and I want to feed it to an UltraGrid to display (yes, display only, no editing) a row per item of the list. I thought I could just add a few columns and tell the column which member of MyDataObject to display, but it seems it's more involved than that.

Using the grid wizard, I setup a data schema that contains a subset of the public properties of MyDataObject. This creates the columns in the grid as expected. Now, when I set the DataSource to a list of those objects at runtime, the grid is updated to include all the public properties of MyDataObject.

I had to go add all of them in the data schema and then set the column's Hidden property to true for it to work like I wanted. Is there a better way? I have many properties I don't want to display, and I would prefer not having to add each of them to the schema.

George Faraj