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How to Reference Hidden Columns in a DropDown Used in a Grid ValueList
Is it possible to reference a hidden column in dropdown from the grid that uses the dropdown as its valuelist property?  For example what I have is a dropdown that has three columns (ID -hidden, Text - visible, Value - hidden) and a grid that has two columns, one that uses the dropdown for its valuelist (ValueListColumn) and the other that is calculated based on the selection in the dropdown (CalcColumn).  What I’m looking for is something like the code below where I can reference the hidden column in a dropdown to calculate an unbound value in the parent grid.  Is this possible?
Private Sub grid_AfterCellsUpdate(. . . )
If grid.activerow.Key=”ValueListColumn” Then
‘Multiply the dropdown hidden column “Value” by 10 and put this value into the grid column “CalcColumn”
grid.activerow(“CalcColumn”).value = grid.activerow(“ValueListColumn”).valuelist.valuelistitem(“Value”).value * 10
                End if
End sub
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